
Attributes are created under categories to further describe them. Attributes define object properties of objects. Each property in an object can be assigned one or more values.

In Aeneis there are different types of attributes:

  • Category attributes: Attributes that are created under a category to further describe it. Attributes are represented in model objects as properties and can be assigned a value there.

  • Virtual attributes: category attributes whose content (value) is determined dynamically via a Query or Report.

  • Schema attributes: Attributes that are present by default in the Schema under a package and can be dragged and dropped into categories to be used there.

  • Inverse attributes: attributes that point to attributes of other categories, which in turn point to this attribute. (More under Inverse attributes.)

When you create category attributes, their Attribute types and other Attribute creation options are selected.

See also: For information on how to create new attributes in the Schema, see Schema.